Book an appointment with us
Book an appointment with us
You can reach all BB Stockholm Family receptions on phone number 08-120 555 00.
Child Welfare Kungsholmen can be reached on phone number 08-120 555 30.
Our midwifery clinics are named efter their locations:
Appointments to the Maternity clinic are free, provided that you are from an EU/EEA country. Patients holding an EU-card are entitled to all care necessary, related to her pregnancy.
However, from the first of September 2020 a fee of 400 kronor will be charged for every missed or not cancelled booked appointment. Cancellations need to be done within 24 hrs before the booked appointment. This can be done by calling our cancellation number on 08-120 555 00. Please state your name, personal number and the day/time of your appointment.